The project entitled „Thermo-modernization of the building of the hospital pavilion No.1 with replacing the built-in lighting with the energy-efficient lightning”.
„The project is co-financed within the framework of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 ( EEA grants )”.
Beneficiary – Dr. Barbara Borzym Independent Regional Public Complex of Psychiatric Healthcare Centres in Radom.
The value of the project – 7 341 255,83 PLN.
The amount of grants from the EEA : 5 852 042,98 PLN.
Project implementation period: September 1st 2014 – April 30th 2017.
The main aim of the project is to improve the energy and environmental efficiency of six hospital buildings. The aim will be achieved by reducing harmful carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere and reducing the consumption of heat and electric energy.
As part of the third stage of the project implementation the following works will be carried out: the insulation of walls and roofs of the buildings, replacing window and door frames, upgrading the internal system of central heating and hot tap water. The existing lighting will be replaced with energy-saving LED lighting and for the production of energy will be responsible photovoltaic cells with a total power of 120KW installed on the roofs of buildings.
Source information on the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2009-2014 (EEA grants) can be found at:
On 25 September 2014, proceeding conducted in an open tender was resolved by which a contractor of the first stage of construction works within the framework of the project titled: „Thermomodernization of a building of a hospital pavilion No. 1 with the replacement of the built-in lighting to energy efficient lighting” was selected.
The contractor who has submitted the best offer is Przedsiębiorstwo Budowlano-Handlowe ”REMAR” ul. Brandta 48, 26-505 Orońsko, with which an agreement was signed on 3 October 2014.
In the first phase of works, which are to be completed by 30 November 2014 the replacement of window and door frames, and roof insulation with insulating panels with polystyrene core, in the heat-sealable tar board clad will be carried out.
The value of the above works is 1 070 987,62 PLN.
On 18 December 2014 press conference was held – an information meeting, during which the detailed scope of the project and the objectives to be achieved at the end of the project were presented.
Journalists visited also the place of the project implementation, getting acquainted with the progress of the work.
JUNE 2015
On 26 May 2015, proceeding conducted in an open tender was resolved by which a contractor of the second stage of construction works within the framework of the project titled:
„Thermomodernization of a building of a hospital pavilion No. 1 with the replacement of the built-in lighting to energy efficient lighting”
was selected.
The contractor who has submitted the best offer is
Spółdzielnia Rzemieślnicza „Budowlana” 15/17 Kilińskiego St., 26-600 Radom,
with which an agreement was signed on 3 June 2015.
In the second phase of works, which are to be completed by 30 November 2015 the comprehensive replacement of the central heating system, the replacement of built-in lighting to energy-saving LEDs and warming of building walls with styrofoam will be carried out.
The value of the above works is to 1 245 990,00 PLN.
MARCH 2016
On February 29th 2016 there has been signed an annex to the project subsidy agreement with the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Warsaw, according to which the value of funding from the EEA was increased in the amount of 1 621 339.67 PLN.
As part of the additional funding there will be built photovoltaic cells installation for the buildings of the hospital pavilions No.1 and No.5.
In addition, the building of the hospital pavilion No.5 will undergo comprehensive thermo-modernization and in the building of the hospital pavilion No.1 the hot tap water installation will be exchanged.
APRIL 2016
As a result of settlement of proceedings conducted in an open tender procedure on April 28th 2016 there was signed the agreement for comprehensive thermo-modernization of the building of the hospital pavilion No.5 (warming partitions of the building, replacing window and door frames, upgrading the internal system of central heating and hot tap water and replacing the built-in lighting with energy-saving LED lighting), as well as the exchange of hot tap water installation in the building of hospital pavilion No.1.
The contractor who has submitted the best offer is the construction company ” ES – BUD ” Robert Szyszkowski Bielicha Street 26 , 26-600 Radom.
MAY 2016
On 25 May 2016, there was signed a contract for the design, construction and installation of photovoltaic system for two buildings of hospital pavilions No. 1 and No. 5 with a total capacity of 40 kW.
The contractor with whom the contract was signed (made the best offer) is PROVSOLAR Kopija Boguslaw based in Chwarstnica, Sportowa Street 4, 74-100 Gryfino.
On November 8th 2016 there has been signed an annex to the project subsidy agreement with the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Warsaw, according to which the value of co-funding from the EEA was increased in the amount of 2 181 951,20 PLN .
As part of the additional co-funding there are plans of carrying out thermo-modernization activities in four other buildings, i.e. in two buildings in which healing activity is conducted and two office buildings. There will be performed, among others, the insulation of external walls and roofs of the buildings, exchange of windows and exterior doors, upgrading the system of central heating and hot tap water, replacement of existing lighting with energy-saving LED lighting and there will be built the photovoltaic cells installation.
DECEMBER 2016 – APRIL 2017
During the three stages of the project the following thermo-modernization works of the six buildings were carried out:
1. In the building of the hospital pavilion no. 1, in which operate, on the basis of the contract with the National Health Fund, Psychosomatic Ward, Neurological Rehabilitation Ward and Rehabilitation Clinic as well as the Ambulatory, Laboratory of Laboratory Diagnostics, Laboratory of X-ray and Ultrasonography and the Workplace Pharmacy, there were carried out:
– Warming of the outer partitions of the building,
– Replacement of window and door carpentry,
– Modernization of central heating and hot water installation,
– Replacement of existing lighting for LED lighting,
– Photovoltaic (PV) installation – total power 20kW.

2. In the building of hospital pavilion No. 5, in which operate, on the basis of the contract with the National Health Fund, Psychiatric Wards P-1 and P-2, there were carried out:
– Warming of the outer partitions of the building,
– Replacement of window and door carpentry,
– Modernization of central heating and hot water installation,
– Replacement of existing lighting for LED lighting,
– Photovoltaic (PV) installation – total power 20kW.

3. In the building of the hospital pavilion ZOL-Nursing and Therapeutic Care: in which operates, on the basis of the contract with the National Health Fund, the Nursing and Therapeutic Psychiatric Care, there were carried out:
– Warming of the outer partitions of the building,
– Photovoltaic (PV) installation – with a total power of 40kW.

4. In the building of the hospital pavilion OLAZA- the Ward of Treatment of Alcohol Withdrawal Syndromes, in which operate, on the basis of the contract with the National Health Fund, the Ward of Treatment of Alcohol Withdrawal Syndromes with the Section of Treatment of Withdrawal Syndromes after Psychoactive Substances and the Ward of Treatment of Neurotic Disorders, there were carried out:
– Replacement of existing lighting for LED lighting,
– Photovoltaic (PV) installation with a total power of 20kW.

5. In the building of the hospital pavilion – Administration, in which there are situated the Management of the Hospital and offices of, among others, Organization, Human Resources, Accounting and Administrative Office, there were carried out:
– Warming of the outer partitions of the building,
– Replacement of window and door carpentry,
– Modernization of central heating and hot water installation,
– Replacement of existing lighting for LED lighting,
– Photovoltaic (PV) installation – total power 20kW.

6. In the building of the hospital pavilion – Office 2, in which there are situated the offices of the Chief Engineer Department and the Purchasing Department, there were carried out:
– Warming of the outer partitions of the building,
– Replacement of window and door carpentry,
– Modernization of central heating installation,
– Replacement of existing lighting for LED lighting.

The thermo-modernization activities implemented within the project will result in increasing of the energy efficiency of buildings, that were built in the 1960s and 1970s of the previous century and have not been upgraded until the present day, and reducing the operating costs of these buildings.
Thanks to the implemented activities the SWPZZPOZ -Independent Regional Public Complex of Psychiatric Healthcare Centres in Radom will contribute to the improvement of air as well as the widely understood protection of the environment, and the conditions of treatment of patients will be significantly improved.
APRIL 2017
On April 27 2017 at 11:30 am in the cinema hall of the local Hospital there was held a solemn closing of the project. The seminar program reporting of the implemented project included a lecture on the energy efficiency of buildings and the presentation of the implemented venture.
On April 27 2017 in the local hospital there was held a press conference closing the project with the participation of the Management of the Hospital and the Marshall of the Mazovian Voivodship Mr. Adam Struzik.